======== Hail 0.2 ======== Hail is an open-source library for scalable data exploration and analysis, with a particular emphasis on genomics. See the `overview `_ for a high-level walkthrough of the library, the `GWAS tutorial `_ for a simple example of conducting a genome-wide association study, and the `installation page `_ to get started using Hail. ======== Contents ======== .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 Installation Hail on the Cloud Tutorials Reference (Python API) Configuration Reference Overview How-To Guides Cheatsheets Datasets Annotation Database Libraries For Software Developers Other Resources Change Log And Version Policy ================== Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` If you would like to refer to our Hail v0.1 (deprecated) docs, please view `Hail 0.1 docs `_